Grace and Truth

…all the words of this life…


Shame on GoFundMe for Removing Israel Folau’s Account

George Orwells famous book “1984” springs to mind as GoFundMe takes down Israel’s page, after his donations exceed $760,000.

After the media’s and the elite class’s relentless attack on him and his appeal, it seems GoFundMe has bowed to the pressure and removed his account:

“Today we will be closing Israel Folau’s campaign and issuing full refunds to all donors. After a routine period of evaluation, we have concluded that this campaign violates our terms of service,” said Nicola Britton, GoFundMe’s Australia Regional Manager.

“As a company, we are absolutely committed to the fight for equality for LGBTIQ people and fostering an environment of inclusivity. While we welcome GoFundMes engaging in diverse civil debate, we do not tolerate the promotion of discrimination or exclusion.”

This is truly a sad day for freedom in our country.

George Orwell’s novel is about “government overreach, totalitarianism and repressive regimentation of all persons and behaviours within society” (Wikipedia).

Let us remember that Israel Folau has been sacked from his job for quoting a part of the most popular book in history, the Bible. He was entitled to start a GoFundMe page, which obviously GoFundMe accepted in the beginning, but now because of public pressure they have rescinded and taken it down.

What to make of this? That only one side of the debate is welcome in the public arena now – and woe betide if another opinion is expressed! Then the loss of employment, the public destruction of character, reputation and family is all acceptable, and indeed commendable, in the name of so-called “tolerance”.

Except that “tolerance” is only tolerant of its own opinions and beliefs.

This kind of “tolerance” is actually Totalitarianism, friends. And sadly that is where we are heading.

Lord have mercy.

Further reading ...



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The Media is Missing the Point of Israel Folau’s GoFundMe Page

Once again the media and the elites are missing the point of the Israel Folau case, and in particular, his GoFundMe page.

Honestly you would think they would have learnt something from the “shock” result of the recent Australian election…

Israel Folau’s case has become huge in Australia. An extremely talented rugby player, Folau was recently sacked by Rugby Australia for posting this on his personal Instagram account :

Israel Folau’s Insta postHis refusal to take it down at their behest led to him being sacked and having his $4million contract torn up. Many believe that Rugby Australia’s sacking of Folau was in large part due to the placating of their biggest sponsor, Qantas, which is run by gay activist CEO, Alan Joyce.

Now Folau has announced he will take his sacking to the Fair Work Commission and a couple of days ago started a GoFundMe page to raise the money to fight his legal battle.

The media’s unrelenting bias against Folau is obvious to anyone who has been following his case. To date I have not seen one article that has not been skewed against him. And of course the elites are Tweeting in condemnation of his recent donation request, branding it “sickening”, ”hypocrisy” and that we “should be ashamed” of ourselves for donating to his cause.

Yet… it seems like no one is really listening. Their constant stream of vitriol against him has the tinge of desperation to it as his GoFundMe fund grows by the minute.

This case is now taking on a life of its own and they can do nothing to stop it. And boy do they hate that.

The GoFundMe page is a stroke of brilliance in Folau’s case. Of course, he has every right to start one up, just as everybody has the right not to donate to it if they don’t want to. But as his fund continues to grow, it bears witness to the silent Australian who, compared to the media, has no voice. We are a laid-back people and it takes a lot to get us in to the streets protesting. But, just like in the recent election, this is one way we can make our voices heard.  I think Israel’s case has crossed a line for many people, including non-Christians. For if a man can lose his job and his livelihood for expressing his personal beliefs, what does that mean for the rest of us? Where will this lead?

So for us Aussies, as we give to Folau’s fund, we are saying something to the media and the elites who for too long have been telling us how we ought to think.

We are saying stop misrepresenting what is really going on, and to back off from our personal freedoms. We are saying we care about the freedom of religion and the freedom to express it. We are using this to protest the growing fanaticism of political correctness in this country.

To those of us who care about personal freedom, Israel Folau’s case has become something of a symbol for the fight for freedom from the tyranny of the media, the LGBT mafia and the virtue signalling of the Left of politics. In fact Israel now is becoming something of a champion or standard-bearer, if you will, for freedom of speech.

To prove my point here are some of the names people are using to donate to Folau’s fund :

Freedom Speech

William Wallace

Media blatantly doing everything they can to sabotage Izzy #media is a joke

Religious Freedom

Media is Clueless not Folau

I don’t care if Israel Folau is a billionaire. This is all our fight. With my hard earned $50 I stand.

So, and this is the brilliance of it all, as the media and the elites try every angle and manipulation in their articles and tweets in an attempt to stop the juggernaut that has become his GoFundMe page, it is only serving to highlight and compound the reason for the necessity for this fight in the first place.

And silently the fund grows.

So keep going media, keep on Tweeting celebrities, keep attacking Israel! Because it seems there is no better way to keep the donations rolling in.


So far his fund is at $541,485.00



Joseph: a Type of Christ

There are many who say that Joseph and the Passover Lamb are the two clearest pictures in the Old Testament of Christ, and I would agree with them.

Remember: The New is in the Old concealed, the Old is in the New revealed.
The New Testament sheds light on the Old Testament. And the New is concealed in the shadows of the Old – it is hidden, but it is there for those who like to search for hidden treasure.

Joseph typifies Christ Jesus in many ways, but crucially his story also points to the nation of Israel and God’s dealings with them, and so we will look at both of these aspects.

Joseph as a type of Christ

1. Joseph was the beloved son of his father, Jacob Genesis 37:3

“Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children…”

Christ is the beloved Son of the Father

Matthew 3:17

“and suddenly a voice from heaven saying ‘This is my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”

2. Joseph was clothed in the coat of many colours signifying his Firstborn rights and inheritance of his father. Genesis 37:3 Christ is the firstborn of the Father, and the Son of His inheritance.

Hebrews Chapter 1; Ephesians 1:18

3. Joseph was envied by his brothers

“But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they hated him…” Genesis 37:4

Christ was envied by His brethren, the Jewish Chief Priests and elders. Matthew 27: 12-18

“For he knew that they had handed him over because of envy”

4. Joseph was betrayed and rejected by his brothers and sold for 20 pieces of silver

Genesis 37:28

Christ was betrayed and rejected by his brethren and sold for 30 pieces of silver. Matthew 13:53-58; Matthew 26:15
5. Joseph was not recognized by his brothers, neither early on as he told them his dreams, nor later as the governor of Egypt. Genesis 37:8; Genesis 42:8 Christ was not recognized by His brethren, when he came preaching the Kingdom of heaven to Israel, nor is He recognised now as the risen King of the Jews. Matthew 12:22-30; Romans 11:7-8
6. Joseph was cast into a pit to die by his brothers Genesis 37:24 Christ was crucified on the cross by His brethren, then placed in a tomb Matthew 27:60
7. Joseph coming out of the pit, signifying the place of death, back in to life Genesis 37:28 Christ was raised from the dead

Matthew 28:5, 6

8. Reuben found the pit empty Genesis 37:29 Christ’s brethren find the tomb empty Matthew 28:1-6
9. Joseph was sold into slavery Genesis 37:28 Christ took the form of a bond-slave Philippians 2:7
10. Joseph is rejected by his brethren and so is sent to the Gentile world, (Egypt) Genesis 37:28 Christ was rejected by Israel and so is sent to the Gentiles Matthew 12:22-30; Romans 11:25
11. Joseph suffered much, becoming a slave, being falsely accused, going to prison Genesis 39 & 40 Christ suffered much at the hands of men, being falsely accused, betrayed and died

Matthew 26 & 27

12. There is no record of Joseph sinning, even though he was a sinner Christ never sinned, He is God in human flesh

Hebrews 4:15

13. Joseph had the Spirit of God in him Genesis 41:38 “Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?” Christ Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit

Luke 4:14

14. After a time of suffering, Joseph was exalted to a high position in Egypt by Pharoah

Genesis 41:38-44

After Christ’s sufferings God has highly exalted Him and given Him the Name which is above every name. Philippians 2:5-11
15. Joseph was given the Egyptian name of Zaphnath-Paaneah, which means the “Saviour of the World” Genesis 41:45 Christ Jesus is the Saviour of the world, and His name bears witness to that.

“…you are to name Him Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins” Matthew 1:21

16. Joseph was 30 years old when he began his life’s work, after much preparation Genesis 41:46 Christ was 30 years old when He began His ministry, after much preparation.

Luke 3:23

17. Joseph was given a Gentile bride by Pharoah at the time of his exaltation Genesis 41:45 Christ is to be given a Gentile bride, the Church when He returns for her.

Revelation 19:7-9

18. Joseph went out from the presence of Pharoah as Zaphnath-Paaneah, to save the world from the coming famine Genesis 41:46 18. Christ Jesus went out from the presence of the Father to save the world from sin

John 3:16

19. Joseph provided grain/food to the starving masses Genesis 47:13-26 Christ Jesus is the bread of God sent from heaven to feed the world John 6:22-51
20. Joseph’s brothers, those bearing the names of the 12 tribes of Israel, go through much hardship and suffering before Joseph reveals himself to them Genesis 42- 44 Christ’s brethren the Jews will go through much trial and suffering before they recognize their King, culminating in the time of Jacob’s Trouble.

Jeremiah 30:7

21. Joseph’s brothers suffering leads them to repentance Genesis 44:18-34 The time of Jacob’s Trouble, or the Great Tribulation is to bring the nation of Israel to national repentance, as the anti-type of the Day of Atonement. Jeremiah 30:7; Romans 11
22. Joseph’s outward harshness towards his brothers conceals his inner love and tenderness towards them. Genesis 42- 44 ; Genesis 42:24; Genesis 45:2 God’s heart towards sinners and Israel alike, though He seems to deal with them harshly, is one of love and tenderness, ultimately seeking restoration and reconciliation. Romans 5:8
23. Joseph’s brothers are restored and saved

“Moreover he kissed all of his brothers and wept over them…” Genesis 45

Israel is restored and saved

Romans 11:25-27

See further on Joseph as a prophetic picture of the Church here.

If you have any further types of Joseph that I haven’t mentioned, be sure to comment them below.


Belinda 🙂

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Missionary Quotations: Oswald Chambers

“It is much easier to do something than to trust in God; we see the activity and mistake panic for inspiration. That is why we see so few fellow workers withGod, yet so many people working for God.”

Oswald Chambers “My Utmost for His Highest”