Grace and Truth

…all the words of this life…

Faith to keep going


It takes as much faith to stay where God has brought you to as to get there in the first place.

When He told you to go, you obeyed in faith, like Abraham, unquestioning.

It was hard to go, to leave behind all that you knew, even though it was a place that became too small. But the sense of the unknown, the anticipation of adventure ahead led you to follow Him to the promised land.

But you didn’t know there would be giants there.

You were shocked at the size of them as you entered the gates.

The fruit of their unrighteousness was massive.

One by one they came against you.  Blow after blow.  Cut you down till you thought you would never recover. Till you were sure your body would be always broken, your mind might just go.

One more giant and you will be broken for good, you think.

You begin to look back longingly to Egypt.  You forget the slavery and hard bondage and remember the flesh-pots and the yummy cucumbers you enjoyed there.

You thought the promised land would be different.

What am I doing here?

It takes as much faith to STAY where God has put you as to get there in the first place.

It takes vision to see past the giants and the constant battering to see the beauty, the freshness, the new thing that God is doing.

Occasionally you catch a glimpse before the next blow lands.

Sure you’d heard the stories of the children of Israel…but you didn’t know you would actually have to face a fierce battle to take new territory.  They were just Bible stories right?  Nah, it’s actually real, you discover. A picture of what is happening in the spiritual realm when God moves you to a new place.

Will you stay?

Or will you go back?

Then one day the last giant is gone.  Of course you didn’t know at the time it would be the last giant. That was the biggest one.  The last-ditch effort to destroy your faith and send you packing.

And then as you lie on the blood-soaked ground, not wanting to examine your wounds, wondering how or if you will ever recover from this… God sends a messenger to you out from Himself.  A kind one who sits with you, tends your wounds, listens to your trauma, acknowledges what you’ve had to face.  One who looks like he’s faced a few beatings himself.

He helps you up and walks with you. 

Did I fail Lord by even wanting to go back?

No, He says, you have overcome: because you are still here, and you are still following Me.

Eventually you look up and see the sunlight bouncing on the leaves in the promised land, you notice the air here feels freer.

You don’t just believe God is good anymore, you know it, deep within your being.  Because every time you thought this giant was the one who would kill you, a Man with scarred hands would show up on your behalf. 

And now you have scars too. 

And then the people start coming to you, one by one.  There is need here too in the promised land.  And suddenly you see that the scars and the desolation is what will be used to help others to overcome and bear their Master’s scars too.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

Don’t give up my friend, the Lord Himself fights for you.  He sees you, He loves you, He will carry you.  Keep looking ahead, moving forward.  Don’t look back, forget the former things, He wants you to stand in the new thing He is doing. He has much for you to do.

Author: GraceandTruth

bringing the gospel to life

7 thoughts on “Faith to keep going

  1. Babylon – God’s Judgment and the West – Martyn Iles

  2. Belinda: I just noticed that YouTube took down the video of Martyn Iles. Do you know of any other place I can find this video. I tried looking on BitChute, but couldn’t find it.

  3. Belinda: Have you seen the film Sound of Freedom? It is an excellent film. I believe the Lord will use Sound of Freedom to expose the pedophiles and child traffickers in our society.

    Sound of Freedom

    Sound of Freedom

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