Grace and Truth

…all the words of this life…

A Bit ’bout me

Hi, my name is Belinda. I am happily married to my childhood sweetheart and we have two gorgeous kids. I am interested in sharing the Gospel of grace and truth. I love Jesus and I am a student of the Word of God. I want to continually learn more and be able to share “treasures both new and old” with others. I believe in following the “ancient paths” that God has given us – prayer and reading the Word. I believe in the prophetic nature of God’s Word and that we are now in the last days. I am not, I cannot, be content with mediocrity, lukewarm-ness or the rampart discarding of Truth that is so common these days. I want to see revival and to be part of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in these last days!

My husband Matt and I run a mission from our home.  We have had a food pantry running from our garage since 2009.  We also have an open lunch on Sundays at our home in which the outcast, the poor and the lame are welcome to come and eat with us, share the Word of God and have prayer.  (Luke 15). God is good and there have been times where we have had six heroin addicts dining with us at once, with whom we’ve been able to share the good news.

God also called me to preach the gospel on the streets.  Don’t ask me why He called me, apart from the fact that I’d made myself available to Him in any way He wanted.  I was terrified of it at first but ended up street preaching for 7 years!  This was an amazing training ground where Christ Jesus and the whole spiritual realm was so real.

One of my favourite quotes is from Heidi Baker “I was called to preach at 16 years old.  Nobody invited me to preach in their churches so I preached on the street…and the street is still my favourite place to preach.”

Now I am being invited to preach at various missions and churches and it is a privilege to share what He’s taught me over the years.

I do believe that conversation and discussion is healthy and necessary, so please feel free to comment on any of my posts, even if you do not agree with me. As long as it’s respectful I will answer all comments and questions.

Thanks for taking the time to read my Blog. (If you’re interested, my personal testimony is here).

God hath had it much on His heart, from all eternity, to glorify His dear and only begotten Son; and there are some special seasons that He appoints to that end, wherein He comes forth with omnipotent power to fulfill His promise and oath to Him: and these times are times of remarkable outpouring of His Spirit, to advance His kingdom; such a day is a day of His power.” Jonathan Edwards

God bless,

Belinda 🙂



41 thoughts on “A Bit ’bout me

  1. Hi, I love ‘Tonight’s Street Preaching’. It reminded me of how awesome God is. Keep up the anointed work.

  2. Hi Belinda,

    Very encouraging blog, Praise God!

    Kevin Jandt

  3. Hi! Thank you for visiting my blog. It’s nice to meet you. God bless you.

    Jennifer – I Give God All The Glory

  4. Pingback: Most Influential Blogger Award | sevennotesofgrace

  5. I am a former Catholic, and Convinced, the New World Church is the Roman Catholic Church! All Protestants are embarking, on the Road To Rome. The False teachers, like Tony Palmer are in bed with the Pope! They want Unity, negating all Doctrine….Unbelievable the Duping, of the Masses! Well Jesus said, there is a Narrow Gate, to The Kingdom of God( Heaven) Too bad, so many, have chosen, the Wide Gate, to Hell!

    • Thanks for your comment Cathy. We certainly live in interesting times with a one world religion and the synthesis of religions fast approaching. This pope seems bent on bringing all of the major faiths together. See
      He has also approached Kenneth Copeland, Muslims, Jews etc in the name of unity.
      Jesus constantly warned us “not to be deceived”, Matthew 24.
      Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
      God bless

      • Bishop Tony Palmer, is married to a Charismatic Roman Catholic. He has been friends with the Pope, for years, before his Papacy!

  6. Hi Belinda, I’m going through something right now that only another woman preacher would be able to understand. Can I share it with you? I know God is really the only one who can strengthen me, but it would be nice to tell someone about it. You can email me if you want to discuss. God bless you.

  7. You are a very good writer. I am glad to have come across your blog. Also, its nice to hear you are not satisfied with mediocrity and believing for revival.

  8. I love reading your blog. It really builds up your spirit. There is no doubt that the Lord has you and your family in the palm of His hand. Your life bears much fruit to the glory of God.

    I have a slight connection to Australia. My great grandfather left Ireland probably during or after the Potato Famine and went to Australia and lived there for thirteen years. He herded sheep and prospected for gold. He later went back to Ireland, got married and then traveled to the United States and settled down in Iowa.

    John 15: 4-8: “‘Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing. If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch and withers; and the branches are gathered, thrown into the fire and burned. If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you. By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be my disciples.’”

    • Thank you Tim, your words have greatly encouraged me. The Lord knows when we need encouragement and be blessed to know that He has chosen you to encourage me in this season! The Holy Spirit started this blog. I had no idea nor inclination to ever blog. I didn’t even really know what it meant! I wasn’t even someone who read blogs, preferring an old-fashioned book in my hand! But God is so good. He told me one day I would start a blog. A year later He told me to begin. He gave me this scripture:
      “Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life.” Acts 5:20
      And from there began a steep learning curve on blogging and the internet….So then I blogged for I think 3 years until late last year I was vehemently attacked by satan. I had to stop blogging. Earlier this year I sought God and asked Him if He wanted me to continue with the blog. He told me through a godly man to continue.
      The very next day someone broke into my home and stole my computer and ipad. I had no way to blog for 3 weeks just when God had told me to begin again.
      But God being the God of restoration provided me with a much better laptop and now I am back blogging. So this blog has been through the fire, as all works of God have to go through eventually.

      So there’s a bit of history for you.

      Wow, that’s interesting about your great-grandfather coming to Australia. The gold-prospecting certainly brought a lot of people to this country. I hope he was successful 🙂 I wonder which part of Australia he lived in. Most of the gold was being found around Ballarat in Victoria.

      John 15 is one of my favourite scriptures. Apart from Him surely I can do nothing. I long to be filled with the sap of the vine – the Holy Spirit – every day.
      May God bless you Tim and make your ministry abundant and even more fruitful.

  9. About my great grandfather: if he took a boat from Ireland, my guess is that he passed through Capetown, South Africa and landed in Perth, Western Australia. So maybe he lived in the Western Australia neighborhood.

    It is obvious that Satan attacked you because you are doing the work of the Lord: your blog and your street preaching and living a Godly lifestyle.

    Sometimes I say that Satan is so smart he is stupid. If Satan never attacked Christians, they would never know that they were in the perfect will of God. Twice in the past two or three months I was attacked by Satan (it was very interesting how Satan attacked me: it wasn’t merely me he attacked, he attacked the friends that I was staying with) because the Lord wanted me to put these two posts on my blog):

    “Obedience: The Bondage Breaker”

    “The Lord Will Judge the Lukewarm Church in America”

    • Well no wonder satan attacked you – obedience and Christians catching-fire are two things that scare him. It is when he pre-empts and crosses the line that victory is assured.

      Yes that would make sense about your great-grandfather. I am way over on the other coast of Australia.

      God bless you Tim 🙂

  10. Thank you Belinda – I really appreciate you taking the time and effort to post these accounts as they have ministered much to me and confirmed the same feelings in my heart. The late Derek Prince (a great bible teacher for almost 60 years) once commented that in his experience woman are exceptionally brave and will do many things that men would think twice in doing, and he is absolutely correct. God Bless.

    • Hi Dene-Paul, thank you for your words of encouragement! I am so blessed to hear that these posts have ministered to you – that makes it all worthwhile to me! I love Derek Prince, he is definitely a spiritual father to me . God bless you, Belinda 🙂

  11. Belinda: I put your painting “The Eagles’ Perspective” on my “A Prophet’s Eyes” post:

  12. I am doing just fine. I am staying with some friends in northern California. Has been very hot the past few days–around 100 degrees F. Take care.

  13. HEY Belinda!!! LOVE THIS whole blog. I have been a street preacher for 3 yrs now..i started off w my sister. but, she didn’t have the passion I had for it, and she was distracted elsewhere. . NO ONE supports me..except for the words I get on Instagram or FB…but, my church doesn’t even acknowledge me. I get disturbed by it, and have to pray so the devil doesn’t get a foothold over my mind. Anyway, I am a lone ranger out in the streets. and long for God to bring me someone who burns for everyday street people. I feel sad just writing this, as you may understand. Yet the Joy of God out there is uncomparable to ANY INSULT from those close to me mainly. GOD BLESS YOU BELINDA and THIS BLOG!!!….fyi, I relate to that quote of Heidi baker..however, I do believe she is of a different spirit, divination. not the holy spirit. I have seen her too much and it’s not God.


    • Hi Stephanie,
      So nice to hear from another female street preacher! May God bless you in your work, I do pray that He will give you a helper, someone with the same heart, for I do believe you need someone with you out there. It is tough to meet the devil head-on and so you need to be part of the Body of Christ. Jesus sent them out two-by-two so I lift you up right now in prayer for God to provide for you a willing worker, a fellow labourer to go into the harvest with you, In Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen.
      I totally relate to what you say about your church. I have never been acknowledged by the “church system”. It was God who called me, commissioned me and sent me out there and I went in obedience. My pastor even told me once that I should be at home with my husband and children. Since my husband supported me and blessed and released me to go, it wasn’t his place to comment. Anyway the church won’t get it, they avoid true evangelism and are instead in favour of “programs” that in general save nobody. The path of least resistance I’m sure… But God bless them, I pray He will wake up His Bride and show her that He is coming soon, time to get up and shake off the dust!

      May God bless you STephanie,
      Love Belinda

  14. Hi Belinda, I saw a vision of a bronze basin whilst in prayer in our home group last night. I saw it twice and wondered about its meaning. The bronze was beautiful and shiny. So I googled it and ended up at your blog about the bronze laver. Wow, thank you for your insights God has given you and the research you have done regarding the bronze mirrors. This will help me in future to know how to pray when I see this vision again. Repentance and washing of the Word of God in our lives – awesome, we are preparing for Revival here in Perth, WA.

    • Hi Monique, thanks for letting me know how this article blessed you! It is so wonderful how our great God brings everything together, and always at the right time! I’m in Melbourne and have been also praying for revival – we need to pray all the more what with the results of the plebiscite this week! God bless you 😊

  15. Belinda,

    After posting yesterday, I couldn’t help but think of you… the kinds of things I find you talking about – especially most recently some posts about the interrelation of the New Testament with the Old.

    I make a special invitation for you to check it out. I hope you will.

    God bless…


    • Hi Agent X, I’m touched that you would think of me. I shall definitely check it out.

      Belinda 🙂

      • Yes Ma’am.

        What can I say? I appreciate the studies you offer along this line. I am always eager to find the treasures I have been missing.

        I grew up, like so many, in a faith tradition that had little or nothing to offering in this realm of Bible study. But the older I get, the more I think THIS is where so much of the dynamite power of God’s Word is found by those willing to look, listen, and dig.

        So, yeah…

        I thought of you…

        God bless…


      • Praise the Lord, thank you so much for the encouragement Agent X, really come at the right time. Bless you brother

  16. Belinda: I posted this comment before, but it never got published:

    You may like to see this film:

    Sheep Among Wolves: Volume One

  17. Belinda: Here is a video you might like to see sometime:

    It’s Not A Criminal Investigation Against Obama – It’s Treason – Mark Taylor

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