Grace and Truth

…all the words of this life…

Missionary Quotations: James McKendrick


”Looking back to that day, I can clearly see what I did not then understand : that God’s Holy Spirit was leading me step by step, convincing me of my need, convicting me of my sins, and pressing the awful and tremendous fact upon me- if I die as I am,I shall die without Christ.”

page 22, Seen and Heard

James McKendrick, born in Scotland 1859, left school at age 9 to begin work in the mines. Saved in 1881 He soon became a preacher and evangelist, leading many to Christ in England, Ireland, Scotland and Australia.

More to follow…

Author: GraceandTruth

bringing the gospel to life

3 thoughts on “Missionary Quotations: James McKendrick

  1. This book is amazing. It has rekindled my love and desire to share the gospel with those who don’t know about God’s saving grace. The Holy Spirit used this book reawaken my first love. I will go forward proclaiming the need for all to repent and accept Jesus’s offer of salvation more boldly because of this man’s life. What a life of evangelism he led. Should be a must reading for all in seminary.

  2. Amazing collection of travels where thousands came to know Christ and his saving power. What a life this man led. This book has inspired and reawakened my first love and desire to share the saving power of Jesus more boldly. James truly understood the concept of grace and he left room for the Holy Spirit to convict of sin and repentance. This book ought to be required reading for everyone in seminary school or going into ministry. Fantastic!!!

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