Grace and Truth

…all the words of this life…


World Outrage Grows Over Cecil the Lion

This case is outrageous. Infuriatingly so.

An innocent and beautiful lion was killed as a trophy for a rich man, yes.

But as reprehensible to me as that is, that is not what outrages me.

What outrages me is the hypocrisy of the moral-high ground that the media, government officials, social media and individuals are all taking.

How dare he kill a lion?” “He has no right to kill a defenceless animal.” “How dare he use it as a trophy?”

I actually don’t disagree with these statements, I hate hunting for sport. I hate that a defenceless animal is killed at the whim of a human-being sporting a gun. I surely do not understand how killing anything is considered sport.

But the self-righteousness of what I am witnessing makes me sick. It is incomprehensible to me that while the world becomes so “outraged” over the killing of one lion, an animal, outrage over the systematic killing of defenceless, innocent babies every day within our civilised society is almost non-existent.

The outrage over the death of a lion! To the point where the man who killed it has to go into hiding. Where is the outrage over:

  • 60 million babies aborted in the USA since Roe Vs Wade,
  • the estimated 80,000 babies that are aborted in Australia every year and the
  • 336 million babies aborted in China over the last 40 years?

One may argue that abortion has nothing to do with the killing of Cecil the lion and that the two issues should not be connected. After all one is to do with killing for sport, the other is “women’s healthcare”.

Agreed. They are not the same issue.

Of course they aren’t. One is to do with an animal’s right to live. The other a human being’s right to live.

The issue is completely different because of course human life is more valuable than animal life.

Isn’t it?


How the hell have we come to the point where we are so outraged, so angry over the death of a lion that the man who killed it has to go into hiding, but at the same time we collectively don’t give a rats-you-know-what about millions of innocent baby boys and girls being murdered every day?

You tell me we haven’t lost our moral compass somewhere along the line. When we consider the life of an animal as of greater intrinsic value, as something more worthy to get outraged about than the life of millions of babies, then something is seriously, seriously wrong.

God help us